
The following is a summary of the requirements which follow from the School regulations. If you have any doubts, please consult your supervisor.

Course blocks

The required courses are divided into the following six blocks:

  1. Introductory courses (in Physics these are Classical Mechanics, Quantum Mechanics, Classical Electrodynamics, Statistical Physics):
    all students are obliged to obtain a passing grade in all four courses during the first two years.
  2. Methodology courses
    at least 6 ECTS points during the first 4 semesters
  3. Specialised courses
    at least 6 ECTS points during the first 4 semesters, 12 ECTS points in total during the first 6 semesters
  4. Research and Technology (overview of Nuclear Technology)
    at least 3 ECTS points during the first 6 semesters
  5. Seminars
    Obligatory Graduate School seminar plus at least one specialised  seminar per semester
  6. Career development courses
    at least 3 ECTS points during the first 4 semesters

Example of the courses selection

Individual Research Plan

By the end of the 2nd semester, all students submit an Individual Research Plan prepared in collaboration with the supervisor. This plan is updated annually. A template for this document is available here.

Annual Report

After each year of study you need to submit an Annual Report, prepared together with your supervisor. A template for this document is available here.

Midterm Assessment

After completing the 4th semester you will undergo a midterm assessment. This evaluation will be performed by an  Evaluation Commission consisting of three members: two from NCBJ, and one external.

The evaluation will be based on:

  • fulfilment of the Programme Requirements (courses and seminars, as documented in your grade book);
  • the student’s oral presentation (20 minutes) of the progress in the implementation of the Individual Research Plan, followed by a discussion with the Commission;
  • the thesis supervisor’s written opinion on the advancement of the preparation of the PhD thesis;
  • the student’s Annual Reports.