Chemistry exam topics

  • Section A
    1. Chemical bonds in inorganic compounds (including theory of ligands field and the theory of molecular orbital).
    2. Law of periodicity in chemistry: variability and similarities between the properties of elements and their compounds in periods and groups.
    3. Aromaticity in homo and heterocyclic systems; structure, reactivity, acidity.
    4. Structural isomery and stereoisomerism
  • Section B
    1. Chemical thermodynamics (basic concepts, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, thermochemistry)
    2. Chemical kinetics (basic concepts, basic kinetic equations, catalysis and autocatalysis).
    3. Basics of spectroscopy and spectrophotometry (spectrum, bands, electron transitions, construction of equipment).
    4. Chromatographic methods (separation mechanisms, interpretation of chromatograms)
  • Section C
    1. Properties of metallic, ceramic (including glass) and polymeric materials: advantages, disadvantages, similarities and differences.
    2. Separation and concentration methods (precipitation, solvent extraction, ion exchange).
    3. Electron structure of a multi-electron atoms, atomic terms, polyatomic molecules, hybridization of atomic orbitals.
    4. Postulates of quantum mechanics.