Chemistry Seminars


1. Dagne Kure: Synthesis and Biological activities of Benzimidazole derivatives and their transition metal complexes.

2. Albert Ntang: Effect of Coating Activated Carbon based kola nut (Kola accuminata) shells with Iron Oxide Nanoparticles for the Removal of Manganese(II) ions from Aqueous solution.


Noman Razzaq: Potential application of Co-55 labeled conjugates in total body by J-PET Scan.


Magdalena Piątkowska: Bioconjugates of 109Pd with peptides and monoclonal antibodies for combined β and Auger electron therapy- first results.


Agata Malinowska: Therapeutic Strategies for Cancer Stem Cells and Advancements in Salinomycin-DOTA Synthesis for Radiolabeling Applications.


Alex Worldlight Betga: Biodegradable packaging materials with antioxidant activity based on starch –PVA system and obtained with the use of radiation methods. The effect of addition of alginate.


Linda Maina: Chemical characterization of phosphogypsum – results obtained at the University of Nairobi.


Ewa Topyła: Recent advances in determination of isotopic ratios in nuclear forensics.


Geeva Prasanth: Preliminary results on cytotoxic effects of 109Pd- Bisphosphonates.


Wiktoria Baranowska:

1. Optimization of parameters in EPR for the developed method for bituminous materials: doubts, observations and conclusions.

2. Radiation and Radical Grafting Compatibilization of Polymers for Improved Bituminous Binder Performance. Insight into Publication.


Sahar Nosrati: 99mTc for Auger electron radiation therapy.


Stephen Kabasa: Radiation-induced degradation of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine.


Nasrin Abbasi: Radiometals in imaging and therapy.


  1. Nelson Kiprono: Recovery of critical and strategic metals from Ti ore, Cu and Zn-Pb tailings using hydrometallurgical approaches.
  2. Emilia Majka: Exploring the effects of gold nanoparticles labeled with mercury radionuclides on cytotoxicity, cell cycle dynamics, and apoptosis in MDA-MB-231 and T98G cell lines.


Alex Worldlight, Betga: Active packaging materials with antioxidant properties based on natural and synthetic polymers and obtained with the use of radiation methods


Linda Maina: The recovery of Critical Materials REEs from phosphogypsum from the fertilizer industry


Ewa Topyła: Progress in research development of analytical methods for determination of radionuclides important for nuclear forensics analysis


Prasath Geeva: Delivery of Platinum bisphosphonate complexes to Hydroxyapatite bone matrix. Overview of the article


Wiktoria Baranowska: Uncovering the Hidden Properties of Bituminous Materials through EPR Spectroscopy: Insights from Model Sample Results


Sahar Nosrati: The biological evaluation of radioiodinated mAbs


Stephen Kabasa: Computer simulated degradation of Chloroquine solution under electron beam irradiation


Nasrin Abbasi: Radiolabeling and in-vivo evaluation of 131/125I-Au/Pd nanoparticles (5nm)


Nelson Kiprono: Studies on the hydrometallurgical recovery of critical and strategic metals from ores and mine tailings


Emilia Majka: Exploring the potential of 197/197mHg radionuclides amalgamated on the surface of AuNPs for potential ovarian and breast cancer treatment: insights from my Fulbright Scholarship at Duke University

08.02.2023 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Ihab Shokair

Title: Organic boron-derivative precursors for radiohalogenation of biomolecules.

01.02.2023 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Linda Maina

Title: Phosphogypsum processing to critical raw material.

25.01.2023 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Ewa Topyła

Title: Analytical procedures for determination of selected radionuclides developed for nuclear forensics.

18.01.2023 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Prasath Geeva

Title: Characterization of Pd – bisphosphonate-bipyridine complexes.

11.01.2023 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Wiktoria Baranowska

Title: Application of EPR spectroscopy in the evaluation of bituminous binder properties.

21.12.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Sahar Nosrati

Title: Radioiodinated anti-HER2 monoclonal antibodies as potential therapeutic radiopharmaceuticals.

14.12.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Stephen Kabasa

Title: Degradation of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine under electron beam irradiation.

07.12.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Nasrin Abbasi

Title: Cytotoxicity studies of 109Pd-labeled Au@Pd core-shell nanoparticles bioconjugated with trastuzumab

30.11.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Nelson Kiprono

Title: Studies on the optimization of leaching process of Mn and Co critical metals from Ti-ore, Cu-waste, and Zn-Pb waste using 56Mn and 60Co radiotracers

25.05.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Ewa Topyła

Title: Determination of long-lived radionuclides by mass spectrometry and radiometric methods

18.05.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Tural Asgarov

Title:EPR in polymer and composite studies.

11.05.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Prasath Geeva

Title: 103Pd bisphosphonate – aromatic amine complexes for the treatment of bone metastases.

20.04.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Wiktoria Baranowska

Title: Colloidal structure and dispersion stability of bituminous binders.

13.04.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Wojciech Dudek

Title: Magnetic aromaticity

06.04.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker:Sahar Nosrati

Title: Chemical and radiochemical evaluation of radiolabeled nanobodies as new tools for radioimmunotherapy

30.03.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Stephen Kabasa

Title: Removal of emerging pollutants from wastewater.

23.03.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Emilia Majka

Title: Auger electron emitters in targeted radionuclide therapy.

16.03.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Nasrin Abbasi

Title: Nanostructures as radionuclide carriers in Auger electron therapy.

09.03.2022 godz. 12.00

Speaker: Nelson Kiprono

Title: Possibility of the applications of the hydrometallurgical processes in the exploitation and recovery of the Critical Metals in Kenya.

14.12.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Wojciech Dudek

Title: How to bite into NICS?

7.12.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Sahar Nosrati

Title: Preparation steps of bioconjugated Trastuzumab monoclonal antibody by bifunctional chelators

30.11.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Wiktoria Baranowska

Title: Application of ionizing radiation in assessing the stability of properties of materials used in road engineering

23.11.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Nasrin Abbasi

Title: Synthesis and characterization of Au@Pd NPs (5, 30 nm) and Au@Pd-PEG-Trastuzumab bioconjugates

16.11.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Sahar Nosrati

Title: Preparation steps of bioconjugated Trastuzumab monoclonal antibody by bifunctional chelators

9.11.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Nelson Kiprono

Title: Studies on the hydrometallurgical recovery of titanium dioxide (TiO2) and other metals from the titanium mining industry using nuclear techniques

2.11.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Stephen Kabasa

Title: Computer simulation of CF2Cl2 degradation in air under electron beam irradiation

29.10.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: mgr Emilia Górzyńska

Title: Synthesis and physico-chemical studies of gold nanoparticles – trastuzumab conjugates labeled with 197,197mHg

9.06.2021 godz. 10.00

Speaker: Mgr Nelson Kiprono Rotich

Title: Recovery of the Selected Critical, Strategic and Deficit Metals from Mine Ore, Tailings and Industrial Mine Waste Streams

Supervisor: prof. Andrzej Chmielewski

09.06.2021 godz. 10.00.

Speaker: Mgr Stephen Kabasa

Title: Computer simulation of CF2Cl2 degradation in air under electron beam irradiation

Supervisor: dr Yongxia Sun, prof. IChTJ

02.06.2021 godz. 10.00.

Speaker: Mgr Sahar Nostrati

Title: Potential radiopharmaceuticals labeled with 227Th or 135La for targeted α therapy (TAT) or Auger electron therapy (AET)

Supervisor: dr hab. Marek Pruszyński, prof IChTJ

26.05.2021 godz. 10.00.

Speaker: Mgr Wojciech Dudek

Title: The magnetic aromacity in the cation radicals of monosubstituted benzenes

Supervisor: prof. Jan Czesław Dobrowolski

19.05.2021 godz. 10.00.

Speaker: Mgr Emilia Górzyńska

Title: Gold nanoparticles labeled with 197/197mHg radionuclides as precursors for the production of radiopharmaceuticals

Supervisor: dr Agnieszka Majkowska.

25.01.2021 godz. 10.30.

Speaker: Mgr Stephen Kabasa

Title: Radiation induced degradation of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in aqueous solution under electron beam irradiation

Supervisor: dr Yongxia Sun, prof. IChTJ

18.01.2021 godz. 10.30.

Speaker: Mgr Emilia Górzyńska

Title: “Radionuclides 197mHg and 197Hg in anticancer Auger electron radiotherapy”.

Supervisor: dr Agnieszka Majkowska.

11.01.2021, godz. 10.30.

Speaker: Mgr Wojciech Dudek

Title: The plan for methods of determination of magnetic aromacity.”

Supervisor: prof. Jan Czesław Dobrowolski.