The STER programme
For the years 2022-2024, the NCBJ and IChTJ Graduate School of Physics and Chemistry will participate in the STER programme – Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools by NAWA. This will allow young scientists from around the world to gain education and conduct research in cooperation with the best research institutions around the world.
A significant part of the project consists of scholarships for the most talented foreign doctoral students, which will facilitate the conduct of innovative research in many areas of physics and chemistry.
Research visits
The project will also support international mobility by funding research visits lasting one month or longer. Such visits are aimed at establishing and developing scientific collaboration. Please note that the STER programme does not include any support for participation in schools, workshops or conferences.
Regulations for awarding scholarships for research trips financed by the STER programme: PL/EN
Application Form for Research Trip Financing under the STER Programme